We finally have the first Google Quality Rater Guidelines update of 2022, and like usual, it is bringing some pretty significant changes. Google has published a changelog for this update, but as usual, it primarily highlights the broad changes but doesn’t cover all the individual differences that Google made… and there are a lot of […]
Google’s Mobile First Index Changes
Google’s Mobile First Indexing Change: Everything SEOs Need to Know

Google’s search index is becoming mobile first. This means that Google will be crawling the mobile versions of the website to rank webpages… and if you truncated content on your mobile pages, your rankings could suffer. Read more…
Latest News

Google Quality Rater Guidelines: The Low Quality 2021 Update
Google has released a new version of the Google quality rater guidelines, a year after the last update. This new update brings some significant changes, and clarifications that many SEOs will find very interesting when it comes to updating their own sites and taking into consideration the types of sites that Google wants to rank […]

Rethinking Affiliate Sites With Google’s Product Review Update
Google released a new product review update two weeks ago, which rewards higher quality product reviews while directly or indirectly negatively impacting low quality product reviews that have become a popular source of content for many websites over the past few years. The rollout affects only English language reviews, and Danny Sullivan from Google has […]

New Google Quality Rater Guidelines, Update Adds Emphasis on Needs Met
Google has released a brand-new Google quality rater guidelines, coming close to a year after the last one was released in December 2019. This update doesn’t have some of the sweeping updates and changes that we’ve seen in some of the previous updates. There are many interesting things Google has added, stressed, or changed, so […]

Google Updates Experiment Statistics for Quality Raters
It is always interesting to know just how much of an impact Google’s quality raters have on the search results, especially when it comes to both the number of experiments Google conducts with their raters as well as the number of actual updates Google has made based on rater feedback. Google has updated their statistics […]

Analyzing “How Google Search Works” Changes from Google
Google has made some new substantial changes to their “How Google Search Works” search documents for website owners. And as always when Google makes changes to important documents with impact on SEO, such as How Search Works and the Quality Rater Guidelines, there are some key insights SEOs can gleam from the new changes Google […]

Google Quality Rater Guidelines Update: New Introduction, Rater Bias & Political Affiliations
Google has released a brand new version of the Quality Rater Guidelines, the third one this year. The changes aren’t as extensive as the previous two releases were this year, but the new updates can be an interesting signal as to where Google is planning to take the algo, and this update is no different. […]

Google Updates Quality Rater Guidelines: Reputation for News Sites; Video Content Updates; Quality for Information Sites
We have a brand new version of the Google Quality Rater Guidelines, and there are quite a few updates in several areas, namely news content, YMYL and EAT. This is the first update to the guidelines since the Spring, and Google is definitely focusing on some specific areas in this update – especially news content […]

Google Makes Major Changes to NoFollow, Adds Sponsored & UGC Tags
Ever since Google introduced the nofollow link attribute, as a way to help webmasters disavow links they did not want to pass PageRank to, it has been used for many different things. First, it was used specifically for sites to be able to link to sponsors, but without worrying about receiving any link based manual […]

Google Updates Quality Rater Guidelines Targeting E-A-T, Page Quality & Interstitials
There is a brand new version of the Google Quality Rater Guidelines, and here are all the changes Google has made to the guidelines and why these changes are important. The new version is dated May 16, 2019, and replaces the one released back in 2018. One major take away is that Google is moving […]

Google Local Service Ads Display Pricing Estimates for Specific Locations
Google has added a new feature to their local services as, the special local ads that appear for searchers that are looking for a specific business type in their local area, to give estimates for specific jobs in their area. Tom Waddington shared a screenshot on Twitter. This is a great feature for searchers because […]

Google Testing “Relevant History” Section in Mobile Search Results
Google is testing a new feature in the mobile search results – a drop down section labelled as “Relevant History” that appears at the very top of the mobile search results. It shows previously visited pages directly related to the search. Henny Roggy shared the screenshots on Twitter showing the feature. Here is how it […]

Google Converts PDFs, DOCs, XLS etc into HTML for Indexing
A discussion came up on twitter about different content types and how Google determines what type of files they are. The discussion then moved to PDFs in the Google search results and how Google handles them. John Mueller commented that Google automatically converts PDFs and similar document types into HTML format for indexing and ranking […]

Why Google Shows Featured Snippets With Images from Another Site
For a few years now, Google has sometimes shown featured snippets where the text is from one site, but the image shown within the featured snippet itself is actually from a second site. Last year, Google confirmed that it would continue doing this, and it wouldn’t change how it sometimes selects a more optimal image […]

How to Download Links Report in New Google Search Console
Google has released a brand-new link report within the new version of Google Search Console. The important thing to know about this linking report is that it contains different data than what was included in the old link report. To export your links, you need to go to your linking reports within the new Google […]

Google: Avoid Including Redirected URLs in Sitemaps
Google is reminding site owners that they shouldn’t add URLs that are being redirected in the sitemap they submit to Google. The question came up on Twitter about whether it should be avoided or if there was no detrimental effect to having them in a sitemap. John Mueller answered on Twitter and said that sitemaps […]

Google’s Featured Snippet Videos Now Overlay in Search Results
Google has made a major change with how featured snippets with a video are done in the search results. Instead of clicking through to the YouTube video landing page, Google is overlaying the video directly into the search results instead. The overlay does not feature any of the YouTube features and is instead a very […]

Expect Googlebot Crawl Increase With Changes to CDNs
Whenever you make major changes to something about the website, it is natural you see significant changes in the amount of crawling the Google but does on the site. This is completely normal and expected. The same is also true when you switch over your site to CDN. But if you remove the CDN or […]

Google Search Console Links & Disavow Files
If you are doing a disavowal for a site, Google is recommending that you start looking at the URLs that Google is showing in the links section of Google Search Console. While we do know that the list of links showing Google Search Console isn’t a full list of links, it often can show links […]

Google Sending Out Notifications for HTTPS Site Migration Issues
Google is now sending out a new notice to search console users detailing issues that Google has discovered when a site has migrated to HTTPS. The email notice states what percentage of the site is no longer indexed after the HTTPS migrations, with example URLs that were on the HTTP version and not the HTTPS […]