
Here is our list of our amazing contributors.

Jennifer Slegg (2052)

Jennifer Slegg is a longtime speaker and expert in search engine marketing, working in the industry for almost 20 years. When she isn't sitting at her desk writing and working, she can be found grabbing a latte at her local Starbucks or planning her next trip to Disneyland.

She regularly speaks at Pubcon, SMX, State of Search, Brighton SEO and more, and has been presenting at conferences for over a decade.

Greg Jarboe (57)

Greg Jarboe is the President and co-founder of SEO-PR, a content marketing agency. He’s on the faculty at the Rutgers Business School and Market Motive. Jarboe is the author of YouTube and Video

Marketing as well as a contributor to Strategic Digital Marketing, Complete B2B Online Marketing, and Enchantment. A frequent speaker at industry conferences, he also writes for ReelSEO and ClickZ.

Samuel Edwards (17)

In my 4+ years as a digital marketing specialist, I have learned the ins and outs of online marketing. I have worked with countless local businesses as well as enterprise Fortune 500 companies and organizations including: NASDAQ OMX, eBay, Duncan Hines, Drew Barrymore, Washington, DC based law firm Price Benowitz LLP and human rights organization Amnesty International.

Additionally, I am a recurring speaker at the Search Marketing Expo conference series. Today I continue to work with and establish SEO, PPC and SEM campaigns across all verticals.

Ann Smarty (17)

Ann Smarty is the co-founder of Smarty Marketing. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 10 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable.

Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz

Lisa Raehsler (17)

Lisa Raehsler is the founder and principal strategist at Big Click Co., an online advertising company and Google AdWords Partner, specializing in strategy and management of SEM and PPC for search engines, display, retargeting, and social media ad campaigns. Lisa has led strategy on hundreds of PPC accounts and puts her experience into practice every day as a thought leader in integrating clients' search campaigns across earned, owned, and other paid media.

Stoney deGeyter (14)

Stoney deGeyter, Author of The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist and CEO & Founder of Pole Position Marketing, a leading online marketing strategy company helping businesses improve their online presence since 1998. Stoney is a frequent speaker at website marketing conferences all over the US, and has published hundreds of helpful SEO, SEM and website marketing related articles. If you're looking to velocitize your web marketing, Stoney and Pole Position Marketing are the crew you need. Follow him at @StoneyD, and @PolePositionMkg.

Andrew Goodman (12)

Andrew is founder and President of Toronto-based Page Zero Media, a full-service marketing agency founded in 2000. Page Zero manages clients' paid search campaigns; full service organic search "Findability" from SEO audit through content strategy; display advertising, and other forms of effective audience targeting. Clients include fast-growth companies (eg. and recognized brands alike.

He is author of Winning Results with Google AdWords (McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 2008); and a co-founder and longtime board member of HomeStars, a consumer review site that recently reached #71 on PROFIT mag's Profit 500.

His current goals include improving Page Zero's 'inbound strategy' and authoring new tools.

Steven Plimmer (11)

With a decade of PPC experience, Steve hails from the UK and has been with ESV Digital since 2011 but has been working in the US for them as Lead US Analyst and Senior Account Supervisor since 2013.

When not building Excel templates, and the like, he is either absorbed in all kinds of subjects from science, current affairs, technology and the arts or he’s traveling.

Susan Waldes (11)

Susan Waldes has worked in the search engine marketing industry since 1999; she joined Five Mill Marketing as SVP of Client Services in April 2014 after serving as Director of Client Services at 3Q Digital

Susan has handled strategy for a multitude of high-profile eCommerce, Lead generation and start-up acquisition clients at her recent firms as well as in previous roles at ROI Revolution, Rockett Interactive and as an independent SEM consultant.

Susan has a BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design.

Susan has contributed insights about SEM and client relationships many highly regarded outlets including Search Engine Land, Certified Knowledge and Search Engine Watch. She has spoken on SEM, advanced retargeting practices and Enhanced Campaigns at several SMX conferences, Digital East and Leadscon.

Dave Davies (9)

Dave Davies is the CEO and founder of Beanstalk Internet Marketing, Inc. He's been involved in the SEO industry since 2001 starting as an inhouse SEO for a web hosting company, moving to affiliate marketing and finally starting Beanstalk.

He speaks regularly at conferences and hosts a weekly radio show with Jim Hedger called Webcology on

Motoko Hunt (8)

Since Motoko established AJPR in 1998, she has been providing the online marketing services targeting Japan and Asia to companies from around the world, helping them to enter Asian market using the Internet. Her search marketing consulting services with her extensive knowledge of Asia and Japanese market have been highly valued and made big impact on some of the world’s popular multi-national brands’ search marketing campaigns.

A number of her articles have been published on industry websites and printed media, and she is a frequent speaker at search marketing conferences globally, and gives seminars and trainings about search marketing targeting Japan and Asia, In-house SEO, and Enterprise SEO. She has been serving as a chairman of SEMPO APAC Committee. She also served as a member of the SEMPO Board of Directors during 2010-2012.

Gabe Kwakyi (7)

A paid search account manager for Microsoft Bing Ads, Gabe leverages his expertise in SEM strategy and data analysis to provide insightful recommendations to clients large and small from myriad industries. One of the many things Gabe loves about search advertising, and digital marketing in general, is that it’s very measureable. Figuring out which metrics to consider, how best to analyze trends and finding the best methods to optimize campaigns and grow client businesses is Gabe’s passion. Gabe enjoys sharing his knowledge with the search community at large by answering questions in forums, writing articles, recording podcasts, hosting webinars and attending industry conferences.

Doc Sheldon (7)

Doc Sheldon began studying SEO in earnest in 2003 and began offering SEO services part-time a couple of years later. In 2008, he retired from his business management consulting firm and began practicing SEO full-time. He concentrates on staying abreast of new and upcoming developments in search and writes extensively on technical SEO and semantic search.

He manages his SEO consultancy, Intrinsic Value SEO, and his content agency, Top Shelf Copy, from his San Diego office, with U.S satellite offices in Missouri and Pennsylvania as well as in Australia and Great Britain. He also has alliances with several other SEOs, from which they offer international marketing services.

Doc's passions are combating online misinformation and the Semantic Web. Oh, and he dislikes both beets and blended Scotch - passionately.

You can see more of Doc's writing and connect with him on various social media platforms via his Google+ account.

Melissa Mackey (7)

Melissa Mackey is Search Supervisor at gyro, the largest independent B2B agency in the world. A veteran PPC marketer, she helps clients achieve maximum ROI from paid search. Mackey contributes regularly to Search Engine Watch and Web Marketing Today as a PPC expert author. She also hosts a blog,, where she writes on the topics of pay-per-click and search marketing. Mackey speaks regularly at industry conferences such as SMX Advanced, Search Engine Strategies, and PPC Hero’s HeroConf.

Throughout her career, her achievements include the evaluation and implementation of paid search campaigns for all types of advertisers, as well as execution and analysis of ad copy and landing page strategy.

Mackey holds a Dual BA from Michigan State University, and a Masters of Management from Aquinas College. She lives in East Lansing, Michigan with her husband and two teenaged children.

Aimee Beck (5)

Founder of Beck SEO Copywriting, Aimee is an SEO Consultant and Web Copywriter specializing in organic search, content development and social engagement. For the past 15 years, she’s helped clients achieve top search engine rankings, increase click-through rates and dramatically improve conversions. She has spoken at SMX East and frequently provides training seminars to in-house marketing teams.

Kim Krause Berg (5)

Kim Krause Berg is President of Creative Vision Web Consulting, LLC, where she provides website usability testing and consulting services. She has 20 years’ experience in web design, SEO, information
architecture, software application testing and accessibility. She is the founder and administrator for, owned by Internet Marketing Ninjas. When not speaking, writing or researching, she is riding off-the-track racehorses and training them for new careers.

Brian Hughes (5)

Brian Hughes is a digital marketing expert who enjoys writing about helping small businesses be successful with their Internet and social media marketing objectives. He helps to get brands recognized and their sites ranked highly through his agency Integrity marketing & Consulting.

Amy Bishop (4)

Amy has run the digital marketing gamut, with integrated experience across several industries, including management of start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Before joining Clix, Amy was an Account Supervisor at Hanapin Marketing and an Account Director at DAC Group. Amy’s previous roles have included responsibilities in account leadership and strategy, team management, reporting and data analysis, training, blogging, new business and project process/efficiency.

When Amy isn’t nerding out, she enjoys traveling, spending time in the great outdoors and cheering for Purdue.

You can find Amy speaking at HeroConf 2015 and tweeting as @hoffman8.

Shelley Ellis (4)

Shelley Ellis is the owner of Shelley Ellis Consulting where she integrates cutting edge paid search, display network and retargeting strategies into her client accounts, giving them a competitive edge in an ever increasingly competitive digital space. Shelley is available for high level AdWords audits (including paid search, display and remarketing) and for various AdWords strategy consultations.

Shelley has 15+ years in online marketing with experience across PPC, display advertising and retargeting. She writes and speaks on strategies for the Google display network and retargeting as well as SEO, PPC, mobile and video marketing.

It is easy to spot this Texas girl in a crowd, she'll be wearing her cowboy hats and boots wherever she goes!

Roger Montti (4)

Roger Montti is an independent web publisher of an award winning social networking site, a moderator of the Link Building Forum at since 2003 and a link development consultant. He has presented at major Internet marketing conferences such as SES, SMX, PubCon and Affiliate Summit. Roger also publishes an Advanced Link Building Newsletter available at and useful articles can be found on his blog at

John Lee (4)

John is an internet marketing jack-of-all-trades with expertise in PPC, SEO, and social media marketing. Working in the search marketing industry since 2006, John spent time at Hanapin Marketing, Wordstream and Clix Marketing before joining Microsoft / Bing Ads in late 2016.

John is also an avid blogger, and has been featured on Search Engine Watch, ClickZ, Acquisio blog, Clix Marketing blog, Wordstream blog, PPC Hero, SEO Boy and Website Magazine. He is also a speaker for SMX, SocialPro, ClickZ Live, HeroConf, Ticket Summit, MN Search Summit, Zenith and State of Search.

Ron Dod (4)

Ronald Dod is the co-founder of Visiture, a search marketing agency focusing on eCommerce. He is passionate about SEO and is how he got started in the search marketing industry. Him and his team of Evil SEO and PPC Geniuses work day and night for their clients to achieve higher ROI from search marketing campaigns.

On his time off you will find him in the park with his golden retriever, Patriot, or playing sports with friends. He also serves on nonprofit boards and tries to pay it forward as much as he can.

Kristine Schachinger (4)

Kristine currently resides in Las Vegas, NV and owns and The Vetters working with Dave Davies of Beanstalk SEO - both are full-service Internet-based consulting firms that focus on bringing the best in the business together, on a project-by-project basis, to help make sites better "By Making Them Work."

Kristine has worked for sixteen years in the creation, development, implementation and maintenance of websites in all sectors including government, academia, entertainment and e-commerce with a focus on usability, architecture, human factors, W3C, Section 508 and WCAG accessibility compliance as well additional specializations in SEO, ORM and Social Media. She works regularly on auditing sites for clients and assists them in recovering from traffic degradation, user conversion issues and Google penalties.

During her career she has consulted on or implemented web sites for entities such as,, AOL, The Department of Homeland Security, Reba McEntire and Ulla Popken as well as traveled to China with IBM and the UN to instruct Chinese province officials on W3C and WCAG standards.

Carrie Albright (4)

Carrie is an account manager at Hanapin Marketing, where she's spent thousands of hours specializing in all things PPC. As an active contributor to PPC Hero and Hanapin Marketing's webinar series, Carrie pursues any excuse to stay on the cusp of innovative PPC.

Her blog posts combine a sense of humor with a thorough knowledge of the successes, pitfalls, and opportunities encountered by her varying clients.

Christian Kunz (3)

Christian has a twofold search experience: He works as senior project manager for search products in a large internet company and is responsible for all search related projects. In addition to this, Christian created one of the most famous German SEO blogs, SEO Südwest, and blogs about search engine technology, information retrieval and online marketing. Aside from several online publications, Christian contributed to a book about social media monitoring and is speaker at several search technology and online marketing conferences.

Steve Hammer (3)

Steve Hammer is President and co-founder of RankHammer, a full service search marketing agency in Dallas, Texas. Steve's experience in online media and traditional marketing allows a strategic and long-term view of search marketing. He has achieved extraordinary and sustainable results in several competitive online industries often exceeding growth rates in excess of 50% per year.

Prior to RankHammer, Steve held a number of exemplary positions including Director of Search Marketing for ACE Cash Express, General Manager for Stir, and a practicing Chemical Engineer for BASF. He holds a MBA from the prestigious Kellogg School of Management. Steve is very active in the Dallas and Search Marketing community, as a former VP on the DFWSEM.

He has spoken at numerous meetings and conferences including SES, ClickZLive, SMX Advanced, State of Search, Pubcon, and Interactive Insights Summit.

Jim Hedger (3)

Jim Hedger is a founding partner at Digital Always Media Inc. An SEO since 1998, Jim has worked with hundreds of different businesses in the course of his career. He is also a well known writer and broadcaster, hosting the popular WebmasterRadio.FM show, Webcology.

Jim lives and works in Toronto but can be found speaking or moderating at several search related conferences each year.

Jonathan Allen (3)

Jonathan Allen is the President of Longneck & Thunderfoot, a brand publishing company and which is part of the Columbia Startup Lab, an incubator program based in New York City. Formerly, Director of Search Engine Watch, Jonathan has spoken at the largest digital marketing conferences in the world and provided search marketing industry commentary on breaking news for the BBC, the Boston Globe and Deutsche Welle. In May 2012 Search Engine Watch won the Gold Azbee National Award for "Online Excellence, New or Relaunched Web Site" from the American Society of Business Press Editors.

An early player in mobile social media, Jonathan is also co-founder of Moblog: tech, a pioneering tech company that created a smartphone photography platform that played a notable role in the emergence of citizen journalism. The community; Moblog, won the Experimental and Innovation Webby award in 2009 for its collaborativemapping project with Shozu, and Moblog:tech’s build of Channel 4’s Big Art Mob won the MediaGuardian Community Engagement Award (MEGAS), the Royal Television Society’s On The Move Award and 3 BAFTA nominations.

Thom Craver (2)

A self-proclaimed marketing guy in a geeks body with nearly 20 years in HTML and Web experience, very few people have the unique perspectives on making the Web work for business than Thom. A seasoned techincal SEO and digital analytics veteran, Thom has been building Websites since 1993 and been involved with SEO since 1999.

A serial entrepreneur, Thom has owned and operated two successful companies and been involved with several start-ups. He has taught for several major universities and colleges, trains and speaks regularly at Industry events and is a veteran of TEDx. In addition to The SEM Post, Thom's writing credits include popular industry news and blog sits and he's ghost written over a dozen technical training manuals.

His newest venture Learn With Thom offers a self-paced online learning platform to learn Google Analytics.

Michelle Stinson Ross (2)

Michelle Stinson Ross is a digital marketing industry recognized authority on the outreach power of social media. She has worked as a community manager and consultant for several brands to increase brand awareness, raise the visibility of special promotions, and train their teams to use the social space to connect with media influencers and the public.

Michelle is part of the marketing team at AuthorityLabs and co-hosts #SocialChat, a Twitter based live chat that covers a variety of topics geared toward social media marketing (Mondays at 9 p.m. ET). Her passion for social media marketing has made her a regular conference speaker at events like ClickZ Live, and Search Marketing Expo. She has also been a featured guest on Webmaster Radio and several industry Hangouts on Air.

Danny Goodwin (2)

Danny Goodwin is the Managing Editor of Momentology, a digital marketing publication sponsored by Linkdex, an award-winning enterprise SEO platform. He has been following and covering the search engine industry since 2007, formerly as the editor for Search Engine Watch.

David Harry (2)

David is a SEO consultant with Verve Developments with more than 18yrs experience. He is also one of the founders of the SEO Training Dojo, a community for professionals.

Marc Poirier (2)

Marc is Co-Founder and EVP, Business Development at Acquisio, Marc Poirier is an SEM expert, a thought leader, and a devoted dad (to twins!).

Named one of the top 25 most influential PPC experts, he’s a frequent speaker at industry events, like SMX and Ad:Tech, and contributes bylines to top marketing publications including Advertising Age, AdWeek and more.

While a mainstay in the SEM world, if you’re looking for him on the weekends, he’s most likely gone fishing.

Pierre Far (1)

Pierre is the founder Deliberate Digital, a digital strategy agency, and Blockmetry, a service that measures ad and analytics blocking and allows publishers to recover revenue. Prior to founding Deliberate Digital and Blockmetry, Pierre held several roles at Google and the technology sector in the UK, including product management, community management, innovation consulting, and online marketing. He's a regular speaker and author about technology topics.

Sophorn Chhay (1)

Sophorn is an Inbound Marketing Specialist at Inboundo with a focus on traffic strategy. he's a lead nurturing wizard and helps execute unique traffic programs for both our customers as well as our internal marketing.

Gianpaolo Lorusso (1)

His personal motto is: “Success is not easy money, but being proud of what you do”. And he would add that this is why he will probably never get rich!

He was one of the first Italian web professionals who got involved in Search Engine Marketing in late nineties. AdWords certified partner since 2005, he contributes to several PPC industry specialized blogs and speaks regularly in international SEM events like SMX, BrightonSEO, PPCMasters, etc. In 2012 he created ADworld Experience, which has become one of the largest events in the world about PPC and contextual advertising.

Adam Smith (1)

Adam is a technical SEO executive at, a small UK based search marketing agency with big ambitions. Having started life as a copywriter, Adam discovered SEO in 2010 and never looked back. Now he brings his passion for the English language and a short attention span to the fore to help clients create highly engaging and optimised websites which are fast loading, full of information and incredibly search engine friendly for impression improvements in the SERPS. And when Adam isn’t up to his armpits in audits and technical recommendations, he can be found writing his hugely successful hobby blog which enjoys over 1,000 visitors per day!

Dawn Anderson (1)

Dawn runs Move It Marketing and has been involved in SEO and web development for nearly 10 years, following a career change. Prior to this she ran her own businesses for 15 years. She specialises in technical and architectural SEO consultancy around crawling and indexing, working in competitive markets covering sports betting, insurance and personal injury and runs Move It Marketing as well as her own lead generation affiliate projects and ecommerce projects

Sean Van Guilder (1)

Sean Van Guilder has been helping businesses get found on the internet for over 20 years. He has a 10,000 foot view of digital marketing that helps shed light on SEO as a business driver. Sean has worn almost every digital marketing hat out there and brings strategies and tactics that have knocked the socks off of companies such as Microsoft, MSN and WONGDOODY, to name a few. Currently, Sean is leading the SEO Practice for premier digital marketing agency, Point It, in Seattle.

Chris Boggs (1)

Chris has been involved in digital marketing since 2000, helping dozens of clients directly with their SEO, Paid Search, Analytics, and Social Media. He has spoken at conferences and partner events all over the world about search engine marketing, social media, and integration tactics including the promotion of better SEO integration across marketing channels.

Chris grew up in Europe, Australia and the United States, and speaks conversational French and Dutch. Chris proudly served in the USMC, and is a soccer coach/player and golf caddy for his son in upstate New York.

David Szetela (1)

David Szetela is one of the world's best-known experts in online advertising, and CEO of search and social advertising agency FMB Media. A former Apple Computer executive and serial entrepreneur, David's career has been dedicated to helping companies of all sizes maximize revenue and profit.

His two books on PPC advertising have helped train a generation of marketers. His articles on PPC advertising have been published in The SEM Post, MediaPost, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land and MarketingSherpa. He hosts a weekly radio show called PPC Rockstars, produced by and distributed by iTunes and other major outlets.

David is a frequent speaker at Search and Advertising industry events like Search Engine Strategies, SMX, Pubcon and ad:tech. He was recently voted one of the top 25 PPC Experts by PPC Hero for the second year in a row.

Marie Haynes (1)

Completely obsessed about Google Penalties and algorithm changes... Penguin, Panda, Unnatural Links and diagnosing the reason for a site's traffic drop.

Sha Menz (1)

Sha is concept and process lead behind Link removal outreach tool, rmoov. She spends her days running penalty recovery campaigns for clients and providing phone and email support for those unlucky enough to be dealing with unnatural linking penalties. Even though “unbuilding” links is a huge part of her everyday life, Sha never met a “natural” link she didn’t love. She lives and breathes link penalties, link removal and remediation, but takes a fresh approach to the problem. Sha believes the most successful penalty recovery specialists are those who actively seek out ways to protect brands; preserve reputation; earn new links and new business, while working to restore a healthy backlink profile. A former newspaper editor with more than twenty years experience in public radio broadcasting, she made the move to digital marketing and Search optimization fifteen years ago. Scheduled to present at SMX London and SMX Sydney in May, Sha blogs for fun at

Ross Dunn (1)

Ross Dunn is the CEO of StepForth Web Marketing Inc. which he started in 1997. He and his team have since provided web marketing services to businesses worldwide as large as Time Inc. Interactive to as small as one person consultancies. He is also the co-host of the renown podcast SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM which airs weekly and can be found on most major podcast networks. In addition to StepForth, Ross is the founder and owner of which provides web marketing assistance for small businesses for just $49 per year. You can connect with Ross and find out all that he is up to professionally via his LinkedIn profile.

Paul Macnamara (1)

Paul Macnamara has been working in search since 2000 when he started his career in e-commerce. He has spent the past 15 years immersed in search engine marketing and now offers SEO consulting services at You can follow Paul on Twitter @therealpmac

Andrew Akesson (1)

Andrew has over half a decade of experience in digital marketing, working in-house and agency side. He has a background of working in technical SEO and currently holds the role of ‘Head of Digital’ at UK based agency, Venn Digital.

When he isn’t at at his desk, Andrew can either be found playing golf or watching Liverpool FC.

He is always looking to stay abreast of developments within the industry and can be found sharing his thoughts on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Dave Gibbeson (1)

Dave Gibbeson is a digital marketer and web developer from the UK. He works at a national advertising agency as well as consulting freelance.

Dave’s strength is a wide understanding of all facets of the industry based on a sound technical knowledge, with a speciality in SEO. He is active on many of his own projects and is a keen landscape photographer and blogger.

Dave has helped promote and build websites for a number of highly successful clients in multiple sectors including travel, finance and motoring.

Gyi Tsakalakis (1)

Gyi Tsakalakis founded AttorneySync and EPL Digital to help lawyers and businesses earn valuable attention online because that's where clients and customers are looking. He's a contributor to Moz's Local Search Ranking Factors survey and regularly speaks and writes about "searchy" things. In his free time, he nurtures an unhealthy relationship with football, especially when it comes to Michigan Football. If you find yourself in the Chicago area, and you like coffee, perhaps you can meet him face to face.

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Jennifer Slegg

Founder & Editor at The SEM Post
Jennifer Slegg is a longtime speaker and expert in search engine marketing, working in the industry for almost 20 years. When she isn't sitting at her desk writing and working, she can be found grabbing a latte at her local Starbucks or planning her next trip to Disneyland. She regularly speaks at Pubcon, SMX, State of Search, Brighton SEO and more, and has been presenting at conferences for over a decade.