If you have looked in your Search Analytics in Google’s Search Console and see a really high position for a keyword or keyword phrase that doesn’t match up with actual traffic, there are two reasons why – either personalization or universal search results are skewing those positioning numbers. The question was brought up in the […]
Google Adds New Live Tag to Non-Video Content Threads
Google added the “Live” tag in front of video links in the Google search results last year, and it appears they are now doing the same for community driven sites that feature very active threads. On Friday, members of the band Viola Beach died in a car crash, there were many news pieces being published […]
What Will Change for SEOs With Real Time Penguin
Many SEOs have been curious about just what will change when it comes to Penguin. In yesterday’s Hangout with Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, Illyes was asked about Penguin and what would be different about Penguin from an SEO perspective. He did disclaimer his comments that they haven’t talked about how to communicate the changes […]
Why You Need to Be Careful When Hiring an SEO, According to Google
In yesterday’s Hangout with Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, Gary Illyes from Google commented that when he looked at Penguin affected sites, he saw that they were actually the result of bad SEOs. He then talked about how site owners don’t need to hire an SEO but that if they do, they need to be […]
Google Has No Plans for a “SEO Certified Professional Program”
Many people have wanted to see some kind of certified SEO program on the search side of things, similar to the AdWords certification that requires AdWords experts to pass an exam on the pay per click platform. During yesterday’s Hangout with Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, he was asked if we would ever see a […]
Number of Voice Searches in Google Doubled in Last Year
If you still don’t think voice search is a big deal, here is an interesting stat from Gary Illyes… voice searches have doubled in the past year. In his hangout yesterday with Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, he was talking about the importance of voice search. While he commented there will be a talk that […]
Google Removes the Link: Operator from Support Pages
It seems as though the very broken link: operator in the Google search results is now missing in action. Doing link: queries now do not return any results. And Google has also removed it from their support page which lists all of Google’s search operators. Here is the Google support page from January 16th which […]
Google Blocks Right to Be Forgotten Removed Results from All EU Searchers
When Google began remove links from the search results under “Right to be Forgotten” in the EU, there was a workaround that a searcher within the EU could go to Google.com and see those removed results. Google was only removing them from the EU versions of the search engines, such as Google.fr. But now Google […]
Switching Domains? Helps to Use Site Move Tool in Search Console
Whenever a site is switching domain names for whatever reason, there is always the worry about the loss of rankings, PageRank values from links and whether it will see the success the previous domain had once the redirects have been processed and the new site has been fully crawled. Gary Illyes from Google was asked […]
AMP to Support Both Paywalls & Subscriptions
Depending on which side of this business model you fall on, you will be either really happy – or really not – that AMP is supporting both paywalls and subscriptions. “AMP’s paywall implementation is crucial for publishers of quality contents. Google’s AMP team has come up with a system able to address most of the […]