When doing credit card related searches, we have all seen the credit card comparison ad unit, which is a variation of a Google Product Listing Ad, but which leads to the Google Compare Credit Card page. Now they are testing a new version which highlights the different features of various cards. Here is how the […]
Google Penguin Sounds on Track for January 2016 Real Time Update
There were many mixed reactions about Penguin not launching in December like many believed it would. While last week John Mueller wouldn’t give a timeline for when we would see it go live, this week he commented that it sounds likely for a launch next month. He again wasn’t going to give any specific date […]
Why Google Doesn’t Comment on Various Smaller “Phantom”-Type Updates
There has been a lot of chatter over some of the fluctuations people noticed last month, particularly the one on the 19th, and John Mueller was asked about it specifically in today’s Google webmaster help hangout. While many in the industry agree that this is one of the regular core algorithm changes – one of […]
Advantages to Using Multiple Sitemaps in Google Search Console
Depending on the size of your site, you have probably been presented with whether you should split up sitemaps into sections – such as by category or page type – or leave it as one big one. In today’s hangout, John Mueller was asked if there are any advantages to splitting up sitemaps, and he […]
Google AdWords Drops Google+ Follower Count Extension
Google is dropping the “followers on Google+” social annotation from AdWords ads as of today. Social extensions will no longer show with ads on Google Search and search partners starting December 10, 2015. We encourage you to explore all relevant ad extensions to highlight important aspects of your business. If social presence remains important […]
3 Must-Track Website Metrics For Every Business
When it comes to owning and operating a business, a huge portion of your time is spent tracking and calculating the effectiveness of certain decisions. From tracking employee time to ensuring budgets are being kept to, there are metrics to be aware of in every aspect of your business, and this is especially true where […]
Google Changes Emails for Reconsideration Request Response
Google has changed the wording on emails it sends out to webmasters who have filed a successful reconsideration request. Previously, the emails read “Manual Spam Action Revoked” but now Google has changed that to “Reconsideration Request Approved”. They have also changed the body of the email to say: Good news! Your reconsideration request has been […]
How Machine Learning Impacts the Google Search Ranking Algo
Another Penguin question was raised in Friday’s webmaster hangout with John Mueller, this time specifically on how machine learning impacts Penguin, but the answer turned into something far more interesting about Google’s use of machine learning in the search algo. The question was “Are you using more machine learning algorithms into Penguin, or are you […]
Four Google AdWords Ads Above SERPs in US & Germany
Yesterday we spotted a Google AdWords test running in Google India where they were placing four AdWords ads at the top of the search results. We have also confirmed that this is also being tested on a limited basis in both the US and Germany too. For those who haven’t seen it in action, here […]
PPC: When To Automate And When Not To Automate
There are countless ways, either on PPC bid management platforms or AdWords itself, that you can choose to hand over ever-increasing amounts of control to an automated tool. The question is, when should you succumb to this bejeweled siren of temptation and when should you hold out and do it manually? Overview Google, it has […]