One of the criticisms about Google’s answer boxes is that it is hard to tell just how recent, or not, the information presented in the answer boxes is. Well, Google seems to be looking at a way to alleviate these concerns by now showing the date attributed to the content shown in the answer box. […]
Google Expands Event Listings With Data From Facebook Pages
Google is expanding their concert listings for artists by adding other types of events to their knowledge graph – including aquariums and even venues that don’t normally host events or sell tickets, such as Times Square in New York City. Previously, the knowledge graphs seemed to be restricted to events that one could purchase tickets […]
Google Confirms New Mobile Ranking Signal Does Not Affect Tablets
Although it has been said before, Google confirmed on Twitter that the new mobile ranking signal, which is scheduled to launch on April 21st, does not affect rankings on tablets. @Jumzle The upcoming mobile-friendly change is for mobile users, not tablet users. — Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) April 1, 2015 There have been concerns from those […]
Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Will No Longer Trust Secure Certificates from CNNIC
Both Google Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox will stop trusting new digital certificates that of the issued by China Internet Information Center (CNNIC) following last week’s breach that saw unauthorized security certificates for various Google URLs. In simple terms, CNNIC issued certificates to Egypt –based MCS Holdings in the name of various Google domains, which is […]
Google AdSense Publishers Could See Social Casino Ads Unless They Opt Out
Do online social casino ads drive you crazy? Well, they will now start appearing in your Google AdSense ads… unless you explicitly opt-out of them. Did you know your AdSense ads will start displaying social casino ads on your site unless you… Click To Tweet Google describes the ads as “includes simulated gambling games (including, […]
Google Filling Autocomplete with Competitors & Related Articles, Complete with URLs
Google is back with yet another auto-complete change that they are testing… And Google has kicked it up a notch from the test in late March where Google was filling autocomplete with comeptitor’s names. Now they are also including the title of the competitors website as well as the site’s URL. This autocomplete works similarly […]
Google Testing New URL Structure in Mobile Search Results
Google is testing a brand new URL structure and style in their displayed URL in the mobile Google Search results. Gone are all the /…/ for truncated URLs. Instead, Google is serving up the category names as the URL structure goes deeper, with > between each. Why you should look at your site’s URL structure […]
Dear SEO Industry: Haters Don’t HAVE to Hate
Last Friday, Bill Hartzer’s SEO agency, Globe Runner, announced that Matt Cutts had joined their already notable team as Director of Search. Those of us that have followed Matt for years in his position as head of Google’s Web Spam team can appreciate how much value that could add to any agency’s offering. Bill and […]
Google Running New Ad Knowledge Graphs for Illegal Download Type Searches
Google has a brand new knowledge graph for television and movie related searches… but they only appear on the types of searches that often implies that the searcher is likely looking to illegally download it instead of purchasing. Here is how they appear, at the top of the search results for a television show. And […]
Google Sending More Invites This Week to Webmaster Tools Search Impact Alpha
Have you been crossing your fingers for an invite into Google Webmaster Tool’s keyword tool alpha? You could be in luck as Google is sending out more invites to the alpha this week. The Search Impact Alpha Test – which was recently renamed Search Analytics – gives more detailed keyword information to webmasters, and slightly […]