Google Search Console has made a small change to their Data Anomalies page in order to split different types of reporting into separate drop down menus. Prior to the change, the Data Anomalies page just listed “Search Analytics Report” but now it includes three additional sections. The added ones are “Mobile Usability Report”, “Blocked Resources […]
Google Adds Knowledge Panel Shopping Ads Hybrid to Mobile Search Results
Google is finally taking the knowledge panel / shopping ad hybrid and showing it to mobile users. Until now, it had just been showing to desktop users. Google first began testing these hybrid knowledge panels that contained data as in a regular knowledge panel, but with the addition of sellers as a sponsored Product Listing […]
Google: How to Remove Low Quality Thin Content
There has been plenty of discussion over the past couple of days about Panda and thin versus thick content and when someone should improve quality versus remove suspected low quality content. More questions about this came up at Gary Illyes’ Pubcon keynote Thursday. Jenny Halasz from JLH Marketing referenced the recent long Twitter discussion from […]
Why Google Stopping Updating Algo Update Info on Inside Search
Those who have been around the industry for a while will remember that Google used to post updates about recent algo changes on Inside Search. However, it was discontinued in 2012 and hasn’t been updated, aside from changing the header to the new Google logo. The question came up yesterday during Gary Illye’s Q&A at […]
Google Still Looking to Add Featured Snippets Info to Search Console
Google is still looking to add data regarding featured snippets into Google Search Console, according to Gary Illyes from Google. Illyes was asked during the Q&A portion of his keynote about what users might expect to see added to the Google Search Console in the near future. Ever since featured snippets began to be more […]
To Fix Panda, Better to Improve Quality Content Than Remove Pages
When it comes to cleaning up from a Panda penalty, many people will simply remove all the suspected low-quality content from a site rather than improving the quality on those pages. And it turns out that many people are removing good content and Google itself recommends that improving quality should be the solution to Panda, […]
Google Chooses Shortest URL for Duplicate Content on Same Site
If you have a lot of duplicate or very similar content on the same site, without using proper canonicals to indicate which version Google should index, Google will default to the shortest URL over the longer URL. I asked Gary Illyes from Google about how Google selects what content is canonical when dealing with duplicate […]
Google Panda Rolling Out in Pushed Increments, Not Constant
While we know that Google has been rolling out Panda 4.2 very, very slowly, the roll out is actually happening in pushed increments and isn’t a constant on-going rollout. Glenn Gabe asked Gary Illyes & John Mueller on Twitter whether Panda was being manually pushed out in increments versus a single push that has been […]
Google Adds New Hacked Site Algo to Search Results
If your website is hacked, Google is making changes to how they show those sites in the Google search results. Previously, Google would add a “this site may be hacked” notation to warn searchers that the site is compromised and could harm their computers if they continue through to the website. But Google is now […]
Google Planning to Expand JSON-LD Structured Data to More Features
SEOs noticed Google began utilizing structured data markup with JSON-LD in July when it was noticed Google was displaying recipe data using JSON-LD in their search results. Google has added support for reviews in JSON-LD since then, and it is “supported for all Knowledge Graph features, sitelink search boxes, Event Rich Snippets, and Recipe Rich […]