If you are looking for reviews of a restaurant or business, Bing has you covered as they have added a new Yelp review box to their search results which highlight Yelp reviews when you search for “<business name> reviews” in Bing.
Here is how it looks when you do a search for “<restaurant name> reviews.”
While it sorts them by most recent, you can also choose to look at the results that are “Favorable” or “Critical.”
You should also note that when Yelp results are displayed in Bing that the Yelp reviews are removed from the restaurant’s knowledge panel on the right hand side.
If a restaurant has multiple locations, Bing treats it slightly differently, with different options based on location.
Here is an example for a restaurant with multiple locations. It chooses one location to show reviews on, while also highlighting the number of reviews for other locations by the same chain, which searchers can click on to expand.
Bing also shows Yelp reviews for other types of businesses as well. Here is an example for a dental office.
They also show for local stores as well.
Bing has had a relationship with Yelp since 2012, but Bing primarly just hosted reviews in the local knowledge panel that would show in the search results. But now they are clearly showcasing that partnership with this addition.
While Bing also has a relationship with Yahoo, serving some of their search results, these are not being displayed in Yahoo’s search results however.
Bing definitely highlights reviews much more than Google does for the same search. Google shows Yelp reviews simply as organic search results, and uses their own Google reviews in the knowledge panel on the right side.
This will definitely mean some businesses will want to keep an even closer eye on the most recent reviews on Yelp.
It also raises the question of Bing’s choice of showing the most recent reviews, as it puts even more emphasis on businesses to ensure those three most recent reviews are very positive. But this is also how Yelp chooses to display reviews on their site, rather than using an algorithm to decide which reviews display most prominently.
This is a good move for Yelp though. They have been working to raise their profile once again as they are dealing with visitor drops and the need to increase their marketing spend.
Bing has also added a similar box with TripAdvisor reviews for hotel and attraction searches too.
JonInCa says
Yahoo Local is no longer displaying Yelp reviews in their search results. Google is prioritizing Google+ reviews over Yelp.. but Bing is embracing Yelp. Misery loves company.