Bing has changed up how they show their video search results to make it much more user friendly for searchers.
The most noticeable is a new “save video” option which allows users to save videos to view later. YouTube itself has a “watch later” video feature, but this is different. On these Bing results (of primarily YouTube videos), you can click the “save video” feature, and it will save the videos in a link on the right to “watch all saved videos”.
You can also see they have added more description and details such as source, views, length of video, date and creator.
They have also added an autoplay video, so a video will begin autoplaying as soon as you mouse over it. While I can see this feature being handy for some users, it is actually quite annoying when your mouse happens to be over one.
They have added new filters as well, including source, so you can search just YouTube videos, or select on of their other sources. You can also change search options by length, date, resolution, and price.
The price option is an interesting one, since you can change it to show only free or only paid videos. Here itis showing paid videos, although it does not say how much the videos cost.
There are also refined search suggestions:
And people also search suggestions:
This change seems to be live for all users.
Thank you to Frank Sandtmann for sending us the change.