Bing has added coupons very prominently to their search results, highlighting numerous of the better known coupon sites for various retailer searches. It shows up for both “retailer name” + “coupons” as well as just for the retailer name alone.
Here is an example. This one was showed up for the query “Home Depot”.
When you add the keyword coupon to the search, the top search results are all carousels or images. There are three different carousels for coupons, one for Retailmenot, one for Coupons and one for Groupon. The headline above the carousel is also a link with a breadcrumb or URL below it.
Here is another example
Some of the coupons include expiry dates or number of days before it expires.
Clicking on one of the coupons in the carousel takes the searcher to the coupon site and the landing page for the particular offer or coupon.
These coupon carousels can be optimized by the coupon sites as well – both Groupon and Retailmenot have the most important part of the deal bolded at the top, while Coupons does not.
These are not sponsored results. These are the same type of deals that appears in the brand knowledge graphs in the search results.
For anyone in the coupon space, these carousels are pretty in your face, and since they show up for retailer searches without even using the word “coupons” in the search, I suspect some of them have a pretty high clickthrough rate.
Thank you to Frank Sandtmann for noticing this and sending the screenshots to The SEM Post.