If you offer any downloads on your website, you should be aware of some new changes that Google is making with their Chrome Browser. For quite some time, Google has shown a notation in the search results stating “This site may harm your computer” with an extra warning if you still try to click through […]
Google Launching Ad-Free YouTube Music Key Subscription Service
If you are currently running pay per click ads on YouTube, you should be aware that Google is reportedly launching a brand new YouTube Music Key subscription service – and the features include an ad-free YouTube, and it is free to trial for the first 90 days. There are many advertisers who are running successful […]
Satire Sites Hit With Facebook’s Related Articles [Satire] Tag
Facebook is trying to save gullible users some embarrassment by placing the word “Satire” in front of the headline for any satire news site they link to in their “Related articles” section on Facebook. Related articles pop up after someone clicks on a headline for another related story in their news feed. Because these headlines […]
Twitter Begins Showing Follows & Favorites in News Timelines
If you have wondered why you are suddenly seeing when someone has followed someone or favorited a tweet in your news timeline, you are not alone. Twitter has stepped up their testing to show follows and favorites of people you follow in your timeline. In this example, two of the three items visible on the […]
Google Acquires SSL Network Speed Patent from AT&T
In a very interesting patent re-assignment, Google has acquired a patent from AT&T that deals with speeding up SSL network speed. This patent comes hot on the heels of Google’s announcement that they are using SSL on sites as a ranking factor, which sent many webmasters scrambling to get security certificates up and running on […]
Google Takes Action Against European & German Link Networks
Google has once again stepped up their attack on international link spam by announcing they have taken action against two link networks, one European and one German. One of the networks was centralized in Germany, however the one that Google is describing as a European network is referred to such because of the geographical coverage […]
Is Google Penguin Finally About to Update?
Could we finally be seeing a long awaited Penguin update, something that has been more than 10 months in the making? Last month John Mueller revealed that the engineers were currently working on Penguin. But there have been many more questions raised recently about just why we haven’t seen a Penguin update refresh yet. But […]
All Exact & Phrase Match Keywords Turning Into Close Variant Keyword Matching
If you are still using exact or phrase match keywords, you should be aware that Google AdWords will be applying close variant keyword matching next month. This also means the many advertisers who were disabling close variants for exact match keywords will no longer be able to do so. Who Will This Affect? Because of […]
Bing Moves Into Conversational Search
Google made a big splash when they announced they were moving into conversational search and now Bing has announced that they too will be doing the same. “For all kinds of searches, Bing lets you ask a question the way you would ask a friend,” says Yan Ke, Principal Development Lead, Bing Relevance Team. “For […]
Google Penalties Reappearing In Manual Spam Action of Webmaster Tools
If you have had a manual action spam penalty lifted in Google Webmaster Tools, yet aren’t seeing an expected bounce back in the rankings, you might want to have an other look at your manual spam actions in Google Webmaster Tools once again. It seems that some penalties are showing back up, even after a […]