Facebook has been making a major push for users to upload their videos to Facebook rather than simply linking to a YouTube video. If you are a Facebook Page, the Facebook algo seems to be giving higher preference in the news feed to videos that are actually uploaded to Facebook rather than linked to a […]
Penguin Will Launch in the Reasonable Future in 2014 According to John Mueller
Another Google Webmaster Central Office Hours was held today, and yes, John Mueller was asked about Penguin, and more specifically, whether the next Penguin update would happen in 2014. Here was his response… Will the Penguin 3.0 launch in 2014? My guess is yes, but as always there are always things that could happen in […]
Can Competitors Negatively Influence Your Facebook Ads With New Changes?
Facebook announced some new changes affecting the ads that appear in user’s news feeds. While some of the changes are helpful for users, it could also negatively impact advertisers whose competitors might want to play a bit dirty. First, the good changes. When you see an ad in your news feed that you don’t like, […]
Google AdWords Scripts Supports Shopping Campaigns
With the new changes recently made to transition Product Listing Ads to Shopping Campaigns, it is not surprising that AdWords now supports Shopping Campaigns with AdWords scripts. We are excited to announce support for Shopping campaigns in AdWords scripts. The current release allows you to work with existing shopping campaigns, create and manage product partitions […]
Google+ Purchases Online Polling Company Polar
Polar, a company the creates and hosts online polls, has been acquired by Google+ according to Re/Code. From the Polar website: Polar started with the simple idea that everyone has an opinion worth hearing. Since then one in every 449 Internet users told us what their opinion was by voting on a Polar poll. Our […]
Google Webmaster Tools Adds Robots.txt Update Tool
If you have ever made a mistake with your robots.txt file – either by letting Googlebot crawl something you didn’t want it to or because you accidentally blocked Googlebot (or someone hacked your site and did it) – it can be some nail biting times until you see Googlebot picking up the new robots.txt changes. […]
Ad Extensions Will Appear in Place of Second Ad Text Line in Mobile AdWords Ads
Google has announced a change for mobile ads where AdWords will display ad extensions instead of a second ad text line (the second text description line) for mobile ads. The change, which will begin October 15, 2014 means that advertisers will likely want to tweak their ad copy for higher ROI if they only have […]
Google Webmaster Tools API Update
If you use the Google Webmaster Tools API, there is a brand new update. The update is designed to bring it in line with other Google APIs. The API, including changes include: This API allows you to: list, add, or remove sites from your account (you can currently have up to 500 sites in your […]
California Signs Law that Fines Businesses for Non-Disparagement Clauses
Last month, a story broke about a hotel, the Union Street Guest House in Hudson, New York, that was fining brides and grooms if any of their wedding guests posted a negative review on a site such as Yelp. Not surprisingly, it generated a huge amount of negative publicity for the hotel. This week, Governor […]
Facebook Testing Self-Destructing Status Updates After Specified Time
Sometimes we wish we could erase a status update without having to remember to go back to it to delete it later. Maybe you want to post at 1am to see if any friends are at the bar – but you don’t necessarily want your mother or boss to see it at 7am when they […]