Sometimes when you’re searching for information on Google, they might not be certain whether to display the full knowledge graph results along with the search results, or skip over it in favor of strictly regular search results. And we’ve also seen how Google adds knowledge graphs to the URL line, where they usually link to […]
Google Launches Contributor, Payment Program To Remove Ads From Publisher Sites
Google has launched Contributor by Google, a brand-new program designed to be an alternative revenue source for publishers. The cost very small from a visitor perspective, asking only $1-$3 per month. Currently, you can select which websites a visitor wants to support, however this may change in the future as right now there are only […]
Mobile-Friendly May Become Google Ranking Signal With Addition of New Tag in Search Results
Google has been putting the pressure on webmasters to ensure their websites are as mobile friendly as possible. With mobile searches nearly edging out desktop for overall percentage of searches, Google wants to ensure that their users are getting the best overall search experience as possible. Now, Google has begun displaying “Mobile-friendly” tags at the […]
Fans are Twice as Likely to Sign Up for Email Than Engage on Facebook
With so many brands pouring plenty of resources into Facebook, many would probably be surprised to know that fans of their brands are twice as likely to sign up for emails from the brand as opposed to engaging on Facebook. Forrester has a new report on “Social Relationship Strategies that Work” that looks into the […]
Large Disavow File? Google Can Take 3-9 Months To Process Completely
When disavowing links, many webmasters go and disavow every link they have that could possibly be considered an invalid link in the eyes of Google. For sites that have been the target of massive negative SEO campaigns or the victim of over-zealous link builders, lists can get pretty huge. But now it seems that you […]
New Diagnostic Tab For Merchant Center AdWords Advertisers
If you are running Product Listing Ads, you’ve probably run into problems and either weren’t aware they were causing issues or you weren’t exactly sure how to fix them. Google AdWords is aiming to alleviate some of these issues by launching a brand new Diagnostics tab located in the Google Merchant Center. The new tab […]
Twitter Now Indexes All Tweets From 2006 To Present
Can you remember the embarrassing tweets you tweeted 7 or 8 years ago? Well, thanks to new infrastructure at Twitter, people can now search and find everything you have tweeted, as Twitter has now completely indexed every public tweet ever made since the company launched in 2006. The new search is rolling out to all […]
Facebook Pages Take Another Hit On Any Post That Seems Promotional
Do you frequently post great deals or links to hot products? Or are you a restaurant posting daily specials that can seem too sales-y? Facebook is yet again (and again) reducing the organic exposure of Facebook Pages’ posts that they deem too promotional. Facebook says they are making the change because users are complaining about […]
Hide a Post on Facebook? They Want You to “Resolve” With Original Poster
If you happen to hide a post on Facebook for any reason, Facebook is not only suggesting you unfollow that person who originally posted it, but also that you message that person to “resolve this”. Someone I am friends with on Facebook share something from a radio station. And for hours, this particular post was […]
Google News Testing Tiny Video Thumbnails Alongside Images
A new Google News test has popped up for a limited number of search queries that displays a tiny thumbnail for a video result inline with a row of related thumbnail images. It is similar to how video results had been displayed several years ago, but something Google had moved away from in favor of […]