YouTube video creators of them quite concerned ever since YouTube made the change that would prevent video creators from brokering outside sponsorships that would include an overlay of the sponsors logo want their video, and less that sponsor purchases an ad package directly from Google. This obviously has many YouTube creators concerned. Many have been […]
Google Mobile Friendly Ranking Signal Affects Non-English Search Results Too
When Google announced its mobile friendliness ranking signal that is going to come into effect on April 21, 2015, was a bit unclear if this was in English only change or if it would be affecting more languages. But it’s been confirmed that this new mobile ranking signal will affect non-English search results too. Google […]
Google Adds Hotel Information to City Knowledge Graphs in Search Results
Google has added a new feature to their knowledge graph when the users are searching for a specific city. It now includes a link to hotels, including brief details about hotels available in the city, which then goes to a second set of search results showing available hotels in that city. The new line of […]
Google Announces Mobile Friendliness Will Be a Ranking Signal Starting April 21st
Google has announced that they are making the mobile friendliness of the website as a ranking factor for those searchers on mobile devices. The change the expected to go into effect on April 21, 2015. This really doesn’t come as much of the surprise as Google has been heavily promoting mobile friendly web design for […]
Do you Design Websites? No Follow Your “Designed By” Footer Links
It is quite common for web designers to include “Designed by XYZ” with a link back to their web design website for any website they design. But while some designers have ceased the practice of including footer links in websites, it seems like sometimes there’s a blind eye turned to any web designers that are […]
Google Reverts Change Banning Sexually Explicit Content on Blogger
It turns out that it Blogger will not be changing their porn policy after all, following an outcry from the Blogger community, a blog hosting service by Google. Earlier this week Google announced that they would be implementing an important policy on blogger that would prohibit new accounts from posting porn but would also affect […]
Google Analytics Not Updating AdSense Stats
Google Analytics has stopped updating statistics from Google AdSense properly, showing almost no data when viewing the AdSense part of the AdSense account, nor is it showing when viewing the Behavior overview. The problem began on Tuesday when publishers began noticing that Google AdSense stats showing within Google Analytics with much lower than expected. It […]
Google Play Adding Paid Search Results for AdWords App Advertisers
Google is planning on rolling out sponsored search results with in the Google Play App Store within the next few weeks. Thus far, Google has not included any paid search results in their Google Play App Store, but many expected it would eventually be added, both because advertisers wanted it and because it would generate […]
Do Exact Match Domains Help or Hurt Google Rankings? John Mueller Weighs In
There’s a lot of back-and-forth between SEOs on whether exact match domains are still worth using or if Google tends to down rank strictly because they can come across as being pretty spammy with “keyword-keyword-keyword” types of domains. This question was raised in the Google Webmaster Help Hangout video this week and John Mueller went […]
Google AdWords Changes Remove Setting to Really Delete Some Ads
If you have any AdWords ads that you have filed away as “removed” simply for decluttering, without actually wanting them gone for good, you should be aware that Google is making changes so that these removed ads will truly be removed. However, some people are so used to removed not really meaning gone forever that […]