Apple Officially Acknowledges Their Applebot Web Crawler

Apple seems to have finally officially acknowledged their “Applebot” webcrawler with a new webpage added…

Jennifer Slegg

How Affiliate Merchants Can Opt Out of the Bit.ly & Viglink Cookie Dropping

Yesterday we reported that Bit.ly and Viglink were adding their own affiliate cookies to links…

Jennifer Slegg

Don’t Lose Momentum: 12 Rules For Launching a New Website

It's not uncommon for businesses to roll out a new website every 2-4 years. Web…

Stoney deGeyter

Google’s PageSpeed Service Shutting Down in August

If you have a website that is utilizing Google’s PageSpeed Service, Google has announced they…

Jennifer Slegg

Twitter Running Promoted Tweets on Porn & Other X-Rated Profiles

Advertisers are pulling promoted tweets from Twitter after discovering their ads were being displayed on…

Jennifer Slegg

Google Webmaster Tools Launches Search Analytics Report

The wait is finally over. Google Webmaster Tools has finally launched the long-awaited Search Analytics…

Jennifer Slegg

Mobile Advertising in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan

Marketing is a different animal in Asia, and you cannot assume the trend you see…

Motoko Hunt

Mortgage & Auto Insurance Comparisons in Google Search Results

Google is bringing Google Compare to mortgages and bringing it to additional states for auto…

Jennifer Slegg

Bit.ly & Viglink Quietly Adding Their Own Affiliate Cookies on Shortened Links

If you use Bit.ly for your URL shortener, or you are clicking on a Bit.ly…

Jennifer Slegg

Google AdWords Launching Mobile-Friendly Hotel & Auto Ads

Google has announced they are launching new mobile-friendly ads that will appear for multiple verticals. …

Jennifer Slegg