Mobile Content vs Desktop Content: What’s the Diff?

The growing use of mobile devices for searching and researching information has changed not only…

Stoney deGeyter

The Lessons to Learn From The Game of War Video Advertising Strategy

If you use any sort of game or watch Youtube with any regularity, you will…

Steven Plimmer

Google Loses Appeal; Must Remove Right to Be Forgotten Worldwide

Google has lost the appeal in France that requires the search engine to remove “Right…

Jennifer Slegg

What does News Corp’s Acquisition of Unruly Mean for Video Advertisers?

Some of the headlines that announced News Corp’s acquisition of Unruly focused on the large…

Greg Jarboe

Spammers Hit Chilling Effects with Bogus Google DMCA Requests

TorrentFreak has discovered a huge amount of spam being hosted on Chilling Effects, in the…

Jennifer Slegg

Google Taking Further Action for Abusing Reconsideration Requests

Google has a new blog post today, announcing that webmasters that repeatedly violate the Google…

Jennifer Slegg

Twitter Moving t.co URL Shortener to HTTPS

Twitter announced in their developer forums that they plan to move their URL shortener t.co…

Jennifer Slegg

Google Sues Local Lighthouse for Impersonating Google in Robocalls

If you have ever been on the receiving end of one of Local Lighthouse robocalls…

Jennifer Slegg

Yelp Adds New Active Cleanup Alerts for Local Businesses in the News

If you happened to look at the Facebook page of River Bluff Dental - aka…

Jennifer Slegg

3 Ways of Finding the Right SEO Advice for Your Business

It is wonderful that the Internet makes it so easy to obtain information, tips, recommendations,…

Motoko Hunt