Categories: Tools

7 Social Media Bookmarklets from the Social Media Ninja

I am a very, very busy person. Here: I said that! Personal productivity is very important for me to manage to do everything I like doing. My browser is a huge part of my productivity I have selected over years, thanks to all the tools and bookmarklets, among other things.

Why bookmarklets?

  • They are easy to install (you just drag and drop)
  • They don’t make your browser slower
  • They offer cross-browser support (Which is important as I am actively using at least two: FireFox and Google Chrome)
  • They are easy to organize (Those I don’t use all the time, can go into one folder not to take up too much space)

Bookmarklets let me do what I need do quickly without depending on the on-page sharing buttons (which may often ask you to login to a third-party app to share or which may be hard to locate!) therefore they help so much to be productive.

Here are 7 of my favorite bookmarklets that let me #beeverywhere while not losing my mind:

Sharing bookmarklets:

1. Share on Twitter. I love it! I love tweeting quotes from the page I am reading: And this bookmarklet does exactly that!

Share on Twitter

2. Basic sharing bookmarklets:

  • Share on Facebook. I don’t use it often. But sometimes it’s very handy especially when there’s no “Share on Facebook” button.
  • Share on Google Plus. Like Facebook, I don’t use this one that often but I am keeping it in case there’s no other way to share on Google Plus.
  • LinkedIn: If you share on Linkedin, this one may be useful.
  • Share on Pinterest. A few months ago I discovered that consistent sharing is key to Pinterest success. Pinterest bookmarklet is awesome for sharing images to Pinterest, especially given few websites have installed on-page Pinterest button yet.

3. VCB social media sharing bookmarklet: I always add all my articles to ViralContentBuzz because that’s a great way to reach a wider audience and generate more social media shares. I also have many friends there, so it’s a great way to notify them that I have a new article live.

ViralContentBuzz bookmarklet

4. Shareaholic bookmarklet: Shareaholic is normally my preferred way to share. In most cases, it removes the need for any services in #2.

Shareaholic bookmarklet

Social media search bookmarklets:

5. All in One Search: Highlight any text on the page and click the bookmarklet. It will allow you to select any social media search engine (I wish there were “Search all” option too!)

6. Google Plus Ripples Bookmarklet: Whenever I want to search for public Google Plus discussions around any URL, I use this bookmarklet. Google Ripples can be a great way to discover new Google Plus connections and participate in relevant discussions.

Curating bookmarklets

7. Storify it. Note-taking is a big part of my blogging process. I have lots of ways to take notes one of which is Storify. I use Storify for private and public bookmarking. It’s easy and multi-purpose and their bookmarklet makes it even better. In a word, it lets you quickly add URLs to your Storify collections with quick notes (Those comments you are living can also be shared on Facebook and Twitter which is a quite productive alternative social media sharing method).

What’s your social media sharing and curating productivity secret? Please share it in the comments!

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Ann Smarty

Community & Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas
Ann Smarty is the co-founder of Smarty Marketing. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 10 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz
Ann Smarty :Ann Smarty is the co-founder of Smarty Marketing. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 10 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz