Categories: Tools

7 Instagram Analytics Tools to Monitor and Measure Your Visual Marketing

If you are interested in improving your Instagram results, and really boosting your social campaign for brand visibility, there is only one way to do it: the informed way. Having data that shows you where you are at is the first step towards knowing how to move forward.

You can use analytics to monitor your campaign, and ascertain what is working, and what is not. These are seven fantastic tools to meet your needs, and increase your visibility and authority on Instagram.

1. Curalate

Curulate is a multi-platfrom tool that provides insights into your various accounts so you can market more effectively through one place. Rather than spreading yourself across various different services, you can just pay for one and get what you need to make decisions on your marketing plan.

It provides social analytics, user generated content, image scheduling, promotional campaign launching for both Pinterest and Instagram, competition monitoring, influencer and advocate info, traffic and ROI tracking, trending content analysis, and a lot more. You can request a demo on their website, to see how it works first hand. It is compatible with Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

2. Union Metrics

Most tools are aimed at small to medium businesses, with optional enterprise solutions if you contact them. Union Metrics is specifically meant for enterprises, and offers analytics on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or all three.

This includes identifying influencers, historical analysis, hashtag monitoring, keyword search, and more. Of course, given the fact it is meant for enterprise use, it is a little pricier than some tools. But it has plans for small, medium, large and full enterprise, with costs between $90 and $500 per month. Not nearly as bad as it could be, by all accounts.

3. Piqora

Piqora promises to provide “actionable analytics for the visual web”. It is a full stop marketing dashboard for both Pinterest and Instagram, and helps you to create promotional campaigns, bring in new followers, improve sales, and grow your brand. Part of this is through analytics that are simple to apply to the unique platform of visual content.

The Instagram tool is specifically aimed at emotionally and genuinely connecting with followers (and potential followers). It also lets you use Instagram on your computer, instead of through the mobile app alone.

4. Tag Sleuth

How are hashtags performing? What kind of influence do they have? Should you be using them for your campaign? All of these questions are answered with Tag Sleuth. It works by examining specific hashtags across Twitter, Tumblr, Vine and Instagram. You can track them to see how they do over time, perform academic research, promote event hashtagging, and more.

It is great for creating reports that you then export for your records, to use with future campaigns and show social growth. They have special pricing of $24.99 for recurring payments. If you plan to run a lot of hashtag campaigns, it is definitely worth the cost. Especially as it includes three archives updated every hour.

5. Simply Measured

This is probably the most thorough social media monitoring tool available right now. Not only does it cover Instagram, but Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Vine and Pinterest.

Because of this, it is the most expensive on the list at $500 per month for the least costly plan. But they offer very in depth reports, tracking tools, and branding features that are used by many well known companies around the world, like Kia, Pepsi and Samsung. If your concern is having the most comprehensive possible data, you may want to give this one a shot.

6. Iconosquare

For those who only want a tool for Instagram, they may be more interested in Iconosquare. Search users and hashtags, create photo of video contests, monitor analytical data and conversations, and a lot more. You can basically run an entire campaign for Instagram from this website, and from a very user friendly dashboard that is perfect if you don’t know a whole lot about analytics.

7. Totems

Boost your presence on Instagram quickly with Totems. You can even get data on profiles and accounts themselves, including extensive demographic information, and marketing data that isn’t always included with basic analytics.

Do you know of any tools that help monitor analytics on Instagram? Let us know in the comments.

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Ann Smarty

Community & Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas
Ann Smarty is the co-founder of Smarty Marketing. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 10 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz
Ann Smarty :Ann Smarty is the co-founder of Smarty Marketing. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 10 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz